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Wednesday, February 15, 2017




A vector is a quantity having both magnitude and direction, such as displacement, velocity, force, and acceleration.


A scalar is a quantity having magnitude but no direction, e.g. mass, time, length, temperature, and any real number.


 A unit vector is vector having unit magnitude. If A is a vector with magnitude A0, then A/A is a unit vector having the same direction as A. Any vector A can be represented by a unit vector a in the direction of A multiplied by the magnitude of A. In symbols, A=Aa.


A vector having initial and the terminal point co-incident is termed as a zero or null vector. If the resultant is zero then it is called null or zero vector and it is represented by o or simply 0.


A change of position of a particle is called displacement.


o=origin or initial point

p=terminal point or terminus

Position vector:

Any vector drawn from origin to a point is called the position vector.

Reciprocal vector: 

Any vector having its direction the same as that of a given vector A, but its magnitude is the reciprocal of the magnitude of A_ is termed as the reciprocal vector of A and written as 1/A.

The dot or scalar product of two vectors A and B:

The dot or scalar product of two vectors A and B is called scalar vector. The scalar product written as A.B (spoken as “A dot B”) is defined as the product of the magnitude of A and B and cosine of the angle θ between them.


In symbols A.B=ABcosϴ o<ϴ< π; since A and B are scalars and cosϴ is a pure number, scalar product of two vectors is a scalar and not a vector. The scalar product of two vectors can be regarded as the product of one vector and the component of other vector in the direction of the first.

The cross or Vector product of two vectors A and B:

C = A x B (Spoken as “A cross B”) the magnitude of A x B is defined as the product of the magnitude of A and B and the sine of angle ϴ between them. In symbols, C=I A x B I

                       = ABcosϴ                          0=<ϴ=<1800



The direction of the vector C = A x B is perpendicular to the plane formed by A and B. Such that A, B and C for a right-handed system.

                               C = A x B ^ABsinθ

Where η^is a unit vector including the direction of A x B.



                                VECTOR PROBLEMS:

(1). Let two vectors be represented in terms of their co-ordinates as

A=i^ Ax +j^ Ay + k^Az  and B = i^Bx +j^By + k^Bz show analytically that,

(a) A.B= Ax Bx+ Ay By+ Az Bz

(b) A x B = І i^        j^        k^ І

                   І A x    Ay   A z І

                   І B x    By    B z І

(c) A x B = - B x A


(a) Given that,

                       A = i^Ax +j^ Ay + k^Az 

               and B = i^Bx +j^By + k^Bz

               A.B = (i^ Ax +j^ Ay + k^Az ).( i^Bx +j^By + k^Bz)

                     = Ax Bx(i^.i^)+ Ay By(j^.j^)+ Az Bz(k^.k^)+ Ax By(i^. j^) + Ax Bz(i^. k^) +

                       Ay Bx(j^.i^) + Ay Bz(j^. k^)+ Az Bx(k^. i^) + Az By(k^. j^)

                    = Ax Bx+ Ay By+ Az Bz



(b)  A x B = (i^ Ax +j^ Ay + k^Az ) x ( i^Bx +j^By + k^Bz)

                     = Ax Bx(i^ x i^)+ Ay By(j^ x j^)+ Az Bz(k^ x k^)+ Ax By(i^ x j^) +

                     Ax Bz(i ^ x k ^)+Ay Bx(j^ x i^) + Ay Bz(j^ x k^)+ Az Bx(k^ x i^) + Az By(k^xj^)

                   = Ax By k^+ Ax Bz(-j^)+ Ay Bx(-k ^) +Ay Bz i^+ Az Bx j^+ Az By(-i ^)

                   = (Ay Bz - Az By) i ^+( Az Bx -Ax Bz) j^ +( Ax By - Ay Bx) k^

                   = (Ay Bz - Az By) i ^- (Ax Bz- Az Bx) j^+( Ax By - Ay Bx) k^

                       =  І i^       j^        k^ І

                    І A x   Ay    A z І

                   І B x   By       B z І


(c)    A x B = - B x A :  


            Fig.(a)                                                 Fig.(b)                                                                                                                                                    

AXB=C has magnitude ABSinѲ and direction such that A, B and C form a right-handed system Fig. (a)  BXA=D has magnitude BASinѲ and direction such that B,A and D form a right-handed system Fig.(b). Then D has some magnitude as C but is opposite in direction i.e. C = -D or    A x B = -B x A. The commutative laws for cross product are not valid.

(2) Find the angle between A= 3i^+ 2j^ - 6k^and B= 4i^- 3j^ + k^.

SOLUTION:  Given that,

                          A= 3i^+ 2j^ - 6k^and B= 4i^- 3j^ + k^.

We know that,

                       A.B = ABcosϴ


                               0r, cosϴ =


Or, Cosϴ =

                  Or, Cosϴ =

                  Or, Cosϴ =0

                      Or, ϴ= 900

Answer:  900

(3) If A= 2i^+ j^ -3k^ and B= i^-2 j^ + k^ then find a vector of magnitude 3 perpendicular both A and B.

SOLUTION: Given that,

                                  A= 2i^+ j^ -3k^ and B= i^-2 j^ + k^

 A x B is perpendicular to the plane of A and B  ,

  A x B = І i^       j^        k^ І

                І 2    1       -3 І

               І 1     2        1 І

          =   (1-6)i^+ j^(2+3) + k^(-4-1)

          = -5 i^-5 j^ -5 k^

         = -5(i^+ j^ + k^)               

Unit vector parallel to A x B   is,

                                     A x B

                    =  --------------------------

                                  I A x B  I




Another unit vector opposite to this direction is,


A unit vector perpendicular to both A and B is ±

So, a vector of magnitude 3 perpendicular to both A and B is,

                                                    = ±3 x



(4) Find a unit vector parallel to the resultant of vectors of A= 2i^+4 j^ -5k^ and  B= i^+2 j^ +3 k^.

SOLUTION: Given that,

                                      A= 2i^+4 j^ -5k^  and  B= i^+2 j^ +3 k^.s

The resultant of vectors A and B is,

                              A + B = ( 2i^+4 j^ -5k^)  +( i^+2 j^ +3 k^)

                                       =3 i^+6 j^ -2 k^


A unit vector parallel to the resultant is,

                               A x B

                   =   ------------------

                             I A x B  I







(5) Determine the vector having initial point   P(x1, Y1, Z1) and terminal point Q (x2, Y2, Z2)   and find its magnitude.


Position vector of p and Q with respect to the origin are:

                       R1= X1 i^+ Y1j^+ Z1k^

                             R2 = x2i^+ Y2j^+ Z2k^


  From vector addition we can write,       

                   r1+ R = r2

               Or, R = r2r1

                         = (x2i^+ Y2j^+ Z2k^) – (X1 i^+ Y1j^+ Z1k^)

                         = (x2X1 )i^+ ( Y2   Y1)j^+ (Z2 Z1)k^

So, magnitude of R =I R I=

(6) Determine the vector having initial point   (2, -1, -3) and terminal point (3, 2, -4). 


               Let, r1 = 2i^- j^ -3 k^               

                          r2 =3i^+2 j^ -4k^

           From the vesctor addition we can write,

                      r1+ R = r2

               or, R =  r2r1

                         = (2i^- j^ -3 k^) –( 3i^+2 j^ -4k^)

                         = i^+ 3j^ - k^

Answer:   i^+ 3j^ - k^            

(7) Find the value of ‘a’ so that    2i^-3 j^ +5 k^   and      3 i^+a j^ -2 k^ .


                Let, A=2i^- 3j^ + 5k^

                              B=3i^+ aj^ -2k^

Since, A and B are perpendicular so we can write,

                        A.B =0

                      (2i^-3 j^ +5 k^).(  3 i^+a j^ -2 k^ )=0

                      Or, 6-3a-10=0

                      Or, a= - 4/3

Answer: - 4/3

(8) If     A= 2i^+ j^ + k^  and     B= i^-2 j^ +2 k^    and   C=3i^-4 j^ +2 k^ find the projection of A+C in the direction of B .

SOLUTION:  Given that,

                              A= 2i^+ j^ + k^ 

                                        B= i^-2 j^ +2 k^    

                      C=3i^-4 j^ +2 k^

The projection of A + C in the direction of B is,

                              (A + C )cosϴ=                               






(9)Find a unit vector in the direction of the resultant of vectors

 A= 2i^- j^+ k^ , B= i^+ j^ +2 k^, C=3 i^-2 j^ +4 k^ and also find    A. (B x C).

SOLUTION: Given that, 

                                    A= 2i^- j^+ k^

                                  B= i^+ j^ +2 k^

                                  C=3 i^-2 j^ +4 k^             

     The resultant of vectors A, B and C is,   

                                         A+ B +C = (2i^- j^+ k^ )+( i^+ j^ +2 k^)+(3 i^-2 j^ +4 k^)

                                         =6i^-2 j^ +7 k^             

A unit vector in the direction of the resultant is,

                                             A+ B +C

                                     = ---------------

                     I A+ B +C I


                                     = s

     A. (B x C) = (2i^- j^+ k^). І i^        j^        k^ І

                                                   І 1      1       2 І

                                                  І 3      -2      4 І

                          = (2i^- j^+ k^). (8i^+2 j^ -5 k^)

                          = 16 – 2 -5

                         = 9

Answer:  9




A collision is the impact of faces on two approaching bodies.

Conservation of momentum during collision:

Let us consider a collision between two particles of on masses m1 and m2.During the collision this particles exerted large force on one another.                                                                                                                             


At any instant F1 is the force exerted on particle 1 by particle 2 and F2 is the force exerted on particle 2 by particle 1 also at any instant this forces are equal in magnitude but oppositely directed so that            

                                         F2 (t) = - F1 (t).

The changing in momentum of particle 1 during collision is,                                               

                                        P1=tf F1 dt 



Where F1^ is the average value of force F during the time interval ∆t=tf ti. Similarly, the changing in momentum of particle 2 during collision is,

                                                  P2=tf F2 dt 




Where F2^∆t is the average value of force F during the time interval ∆t=tf – ti. At any time,

                              F1 = - F2

                     andF1^ = - F2^

And therefore, P1=F1^∆t

                              = - F2^∆t

                                     = - P2                                      

When two particles act as an isolated system the total amount of the system is,                            

                     P = P1+ P2

              or, ∆P = P1+ P2                                      

              or, ∆P = - P2 + P2                                                                            


Thus the total change in momentum of the system as a result of collision is zero. Hence if there are no external forces the total momentum of the system is not changed by the collision that means the momentum is conversed.

Collision in one-dimension:

When kinetic energy is conserved the collision is said to be elastic collision and when kinetic energy is not conserved, it is called inelastic collision.

Let us imagine two smooth non-rotating moving along the line joining their centered, then colliding head-on and moving along the same direction or straight line without rotation after collision. These bodies exert forces on one each other during the collision. 


(Fig: Two sphere before and after an elastic collision. The velocity   V1i - V2i of m1 relative to m2 before collision is equal to the velocity V2f - V1f  of m1 relative to m2 after collision)

Let masses of the spheres are m1 and m2, velocity being V1i and V2i before collision and V1f and V2f after collision. We consider the positive direction of the momentum and velocity to be along the positive x-axis. Then from the conservation of momentum,

                     m1 V1i + m2V2i = m1V1f + m2V2f

                     or, m1 (V1i  - V1f) =  m2(V2f - V2i)……………………………………(1)

Because the collision is elastic, so the kinetic energy is conserved 

                  1/2 m1 V1i2 +1/2 m2V2i2 =1/2 m1 V1f2+1/2 m2V2f2

              Or, m1 (V1i2 - V1f2) = m2(V2f2- V2i2)…………………………………………(2)

So, if we know the masses and the initial velocities then we can calculate the two final velocities V1f and V2f from equation. If we assume V2f ≠ V2i and

V1i ≠ V1f and dividing (2) by (1) we get,

                             V1i + V1f = V2f +V2i


                         Or, V1i - V2i = V2f - V1f …………………………………………….. (3)

This tells us that in an elastic one-dimensional collision, the relative velocity of approach before collision is equal to the relative velocity of separation after collision. From equation (3),


                           V2f = V1f+ V1i - V2i

Putting this value in equation (1) we get,


         m1 (V1i - V1f) = m2 (V1f+ V1i - 2V2i)

or,   V1f ( m1 + m2 )   = ( m1  -  m2)  V1i + 2mV2i

or, V1f = =(  )V1i +(  )V2i -------------------------------(4)

Similarly, from equation (3),

            V1f = V2f + V2i - V1i

Putting this value in equation (1) we get,


                 m1 (V1i –V2f -V2i +V1i) = m2 (V2f -V2i)


             Or, 2m1V1i – m1V2f - m1V2i  = m2V2f - m2V2i

            Or, V2f (m1 + m2) =2 m1V1i + ( m2 - m1) V2i

     Or, V2f =( V1i +  (  )V2i ----------------------- (5)


From equation (4) and (5) we can see several interesting properties:

Case -1:  When the colliding particles have the same masses i.e. m1 = m2 gives

                               V1f = V2i    and V2f = V1i

That is in a one –dimensional elastic collision of two particles of equal masses, the particles simply exchange their velocities during collision.

Case -2: If one particle is stationary say m2 or initially at rest, then V2i equals zero and we obtain V1f and V2f from equations (4) and (5),

 V1f = (  ) V1i and V2f =  V1i ---------------- (6)

Again, from equation (6),

(i)If   m1 = m2 gives V1f = 0 and V2f = V1i

(ii) If m1 >> m2 , we obtain,


      V1f =῀- V1i and V2f =῀0

(iii) If m1 >> m2, we obtain,

            V1f = V1i and V2f = 2V1i ------------------------- (7)

Equation (7) means that the velocity of the massive incident particle is virtually unchanged by the collision with the light stationary particle, but the light particle rebounds with approximately twice the velocity of the incident particle.

Impulse and momentum



Figure. Shows the magnitude of the force exerted on a body during collision.

 Let us consider two particles collide each other. If we assume that the force has a constant direction, then the plot of force Vs shows that the impulsive force F(t) might vary with time during a collision starting at time ti and ending at time tf .From Newton’s 2nd law motion we can write the change in momentum dp =Fdt. The change in momentum of the body during a collision by intergrading over the time of collision gives the impulse,


                         PfPi =∆P =pf dp = pf Fdt

                                    pi           pi 

So, the integral of the force over the time interval during which the force acts is called the impulse of the force.




(1)A baseball weighing 0.35lb is struck by a bat while it is in horizontal flight with a speed of 90ft/sec. After leaving the bat the ball travels with a speed of 110ft/sec in a direction opposite to its original motion. Determine the impulse of the collision.


We know that the change in momentum of a particle acted on by an impulsive force is equal to the impulse.

Hence, Impulse, j = change in momentum = PfPi


                               = m Vf – m Vi


                              = m (Vf - Vi)

                             = ( ) (Vf - Vi)

 Assuming arbitrarily that the direction of Vi is positive, the impulse is then,

             J =  ) (-110ft/sec -90ft/sec)

                         = - 2.2 lb.sec

The minus sign shows that the direction of the impulse acting on the ball is opposite that of the original velocity of the ball.

[If the bat and ball were in contact for 0.0010sec the average force during this time would be F = ∆p/∆t

        = -2.2/0.0010

        = -2200lb]

(2)(a)By what fraction is the kinetic energy of a neutron (mass m1) decreased in head-on elastic collision with the atomic nucleus (mass m2) initially at rest?

(b)Find the fractional decrease in the kinetic energy of a neutron when it collides in this way with a lead nucleus, a carbon nucleus, and a hydrogen nucleus. The ratio of nuclear mass to neutron mass (=m1/m2) is 206 for lead, 12 for carbon, and 1 for hydrogen.


(a) The initial kinetic energy of the neutron ki is m1v1i2.Its final kinetic energy kf  is   m1V1f2.The fractional decrease in kinetic energy is,



But for such a collision,


    V1f = (  ) V1i

     Or,     =

So that,    =1 – (


  (b) For lead, m2 =206m1




                = 0.02


For carbon, m2=12m1



                                             = 0.28


For hydrogen, m2=m1



                                      = 1


(3)A cue strikes a billiard ball, exerting an average force of 50N over a time of 10millisecands. If the ball has mass 0.20kg, what speed does it have after impact?







We know that,

                            P = mv


                       Or, Ft = mv

                       Or, v =   




                                  = 2.5m/s                                     

     Answer:    2.5m/s                                                                                                                     

(4) A 1.0kg ball drops vertically on to the floor with a speed of 25m/s. It rebounds with an initial speed of 10m/s.

(a)What impulse act on the ball during contact?

(b) If the ball is in contact for 0.020sec,what is the average force exerted on the floor?


Impulse, j = change in momentum = PfPi


                               = m Vf – m Vi


                              = m (Vf - Vi)


                             = 1(-25-10)


                           = - 35kg/s

Average force F =∆p/∆t

                        = -35/0.020

                       = -1700N

Answer: -1700N

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