Playful graphics used in the Urban Toad logo successfully merges the symbol of its toad namesake with the imagery of a crown, a symbol of excellence. From apparel to merchandise, the logo’s clean lines and double entendre meaning make it instantly identifiable and unforgettable.
alo’s brightly colored bird logo, with aesthetically pleasing lines and small feathered detail, pops on any background. Bold colors and contrast make for an enduring brand image.
Strong use of color, contrast, symbolism and simplicity work together to create a logo that your target market will not soon forget.
5. Aim for a long logo life
Will your logo design endure for decades? Some logos hit the nail so squarely on the head, that they remain the same recognizable brand symbol for generations. However, unless you’re plugged into the psychic network, it’s hard to know if your logo will stand the test of time. Ensuring logo longevity is not an exact science, but sticking with classic designs and avoiding trends goes a long way toward giving your logo a long life.

Jif Peanut Butter’s logo design is childlike with bold colors and big letters. Along with its tagline, “Choosy moms, choose Jif,” it has been successful since its creation in 1966.
Even successful, familiar logos long associated with a brand do change. The key to maintaining that important brand association and thus, an enduring logo, lies in keeping core elements the same. After 20 years, Mastercard recently refreshed their logo, preserving the recognizable red and orange overlapping spheres, but moving the text to beneath the symbol and updating the font. (The drop shadow used with the old font was so 1996!)
A timeless logo will stick with your company for a long time. Done right, it’s also something that can be slightly tweaked with the times, keeping its essence but also staying modern and fresh.
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