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Monday, March 6, 2017


Being a one-dimensional marketer is simply not a good way to get ahead  in the B2B World.
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  2
Improve Your Content Marketing Versatility 4
Increase Your Social Media Marketing IQ 8
Mastering Email and InMail 12
Purposefully Connecting with Podcasting 17
Rouse the Marketing Technologist  Within You 21
Acquiring SEO Smarts 26
Honing Your Coding Chops 29
Up Your B2B Analytics Game 33
Master Full Funnel Marketing 36
Give Rise to Revenue with Lead Generation 40
Get the Most from Your Website Traffic with Conversion Rate Optimization 44
Extend Your Reach with Pay Per Click 49
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  3
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  4
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  5
Improve Your Content Marketing Versatility
From hybrid cars to hybrid peppers, having “the best of both worlds” is considered more and more to be a standard of excellence. Having a varying array of skills is important in our industry, too.
Of those competencies, content reigns supreme. Content marketing is basically the culmination of all your hybrid B2B marketing skills – it’s how you put them all together.
To help you expand your content know-how in each phase of the content lifecycle (planning, executing, evaluating), we’ve gathered the following 10 resources.
For the Planning Phase
1. What the Smartest Content Marketers Have in Common This infographic, created for LinkedIn, is packed with information that can help you point your strategy in the right direction, such as X or Y. Bookmark it as a go-to resource for making sure you’re keeping up with your competition.
2. Competing With Content Marketing: 7 Steps to Success Easy to ready and actionable, the joint task force of HubSpot and Smart Insights has completely nailed it with this infographic. Keep it handy, as it lays out the content marketing process from start to finish.
3. Copyblogger’s Content  Marketing Page Copyblogger’s content marketing section is a treasure trove of information. With an entire contentmarketing-specific eBook series, how can you go wrong? Read the eBooks; read the blog posts; watch the video.
4. How to Create a Content  Marketing Strategy Marketing powerhouse Jay Baer introduces this SlideShare presentation by telling us that “more than 80% of B2B marketers say they have a content marketing strategy, but only a third have documented that very same content marketing strategy.” I think that’s reason enough to check out  the following:
Click to view on SlideShare
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  6
For the Execution Phase
5. The Content Warfare Podcast This podcast is designed to help you win the attention of an audience that everyone is vying for. Each week Podcast Host Ryan Hanley interviews the best content creators out there, like Mark Schaefer and Demian Farnworth.
6. Content is Personal: Win Over Your  Audience with Engagement This video is a must-see on taking your audience down the funnel. With Marketing VP Tia Newcomer and Marketo’s Michael Berger, this video talks about the principles of engagement and how to really apply them to your practices.
7. Content Marketing Tools A to Z That You Can Use in 2015 and Beyond Tools, tools, tools! From time savers to time managers, word finders to spell checkers, this list is pretty close to exhaustive. It was put together by TopRank Online Marketing’s Lee Odden, who gathered suggestions from marketers who actually use them. There is a tool for everything, whether you need help with planning, reporting, or anything  in between.
For the Evaluation Phase
8. How to Effectively Evaluate Your Mid-Year Content Marketing Checklist You probably know it’s a good idea to evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing plan more often than once a year. Here are some highlights from a chat with Joe Pulizzi that will help you do just that.
There is a tool for everything, whether you need help with planning, reporting, or anything in between.
Improve Your Content Marketing Versatility
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  7
9. Solved Mysteries: Tracking Your Content Marketing ROI This eBook is another way to get to the bottom of content tracking, with the clear focus being on ROI. Walking readers though designing programs to be measurable from the start, or using “late-stage” metrics to discover missing pieces, there is something valuable here  for everyone.
10. The KISSmetrics Blog Analytics matter, and as some  of the infographics in this list  will show, content marketers  tend to have trouble tracking metrics. This blog will be a huge help to those who are struggling with finding the numbers that make a difference in your  content strategy.
In a list of marketing resources, we couldn’t forget this one. Check out our update to the The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn for all the insights you need to get the most value out of the LinkedIn platform.
1PART 1: Why does my business need LinkedIn?
The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to
Now with even more B2B goodness! New for 2015
Improve Your Content Marketing Versatility
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  8
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  9
That’s more than a quarter of digital marketing budgets, making it critical for organizations to see a return on their social spend.
Enter the hybrid marketer, who brings a strategic understanding and tactical insights to social media planning, execution, and measurement. To help you round out your social media marketing skills, here are ten supersmart resources on all things social media. You’ll find three categories meant to help marketers of all experience levels, from aspiring experts to seasoned social  media savants.
Getting Started
Whether you are relatively new to social media or if you’ve been around the block, the posts in this section are great for setting, or revisiting, your social media strategy.
1. The Beginner’s Guide to Social Media A ground-level resource from Moz, this eBook covers social media best practices, evaluation metrics, and blogging. LinkedIn is given its own chapter, and within it you can discover how to generate B2B leads, establish thought leadership in your industry, and build brand advocates.
2. The Best (and Worst) Times to Post on Social Media [Infographic] When should you post content in order to drive the best results? Get a breakdown of peak activity periods for each of the major social networks. Then, post accordingly to give your content the best chance of being noticed and shared.
3. The Ultimate Guide to Using Images in Social Media Your social updates are far more likely to be consumed and shared when you include an image. Take the mystery out of image sizing with this resource from the Jeff Bullas blog. You’ll find optimal image specs for populating banners, profile photos, and many other visual marketing opportunities.
4. 58 Social Media Tips for  Content Marketing  Just as with all marketing messaging, quality and relevance should be considered when posting social content. This SlideShare deck from the Content Marketing Institute showcases the type of content that performs well on specific social platforms, along with amplification recommendations.
U.S. Companies are expected to dedicate
to social media marketing this year BILLION 2billion over 2014
nearly $10
Increase Your Social Media Marketing IQ
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  10
Evaluate and Optimize
Knowing how to plan and execute social media campaigns is an excellent start, but what about evaluation, optimization, and streamlining workflow? These posts show how to gain next-level results:
5. The 15-Minute Social Media Audit Everyone Can Do Regularly auditing your social media marketing strategy is a critical exercise. And like exercising, auditing isn’t the easiest to-do list item to tackle. Fortunately Buffer’s Kevan Lee offers this quick and easy social auditing process “everyone  can do.”

6. 5 Ways to Optimize Your Social Media Content to Combat Content Shock More than 90 percent of B2B marketers use social media, which means standing out often requires a sound strategy and a few clever tactics. This post  from the Content Marketing Institute provides actionable suggestions for enhancing your social media marketing.
7. 12 Free Social Media Tools Getting better at social media is not only about creating better content, but also making your process more efficient. The tools on this listicle from Search Engine Journal can help you do just that. Review resources that can help you set up workflows for creative, analytics, reporting, and other areas of social media marketing.
Increase Your Social Media Marketing IQ
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Stay Current on  Social Trends
Social media is evolving rapidly with new platforms and tools springing up all the time. Staying on top of trends can help your brand balance best practices with experimentation, while also avoiding what no longer works before it consumes the best of your budget.
8. Social Media Today Here’s an excellent source to stay on top of social media developments. Social Media Today provides regular news updates about LinkedIn and other social platforms along with a healthy dose of how-to features. Content is contributed by members, meaning that you can encounter a wide range of perspectives on the issues, personalities, and platforms shaping social media.
9. Social Media Examiner Benefit from practical, how-to information on LinkedIn and other social networks at Social Media Examiner. In addition to providing helpful written posts, the site is home to two invaluable podcasts. “The Social Media Examiner Show” provides “daily social media know-how” and the “Social Media Marketing Podcast with Michael Stelzner” covers topics in more depth with expert interviews.
10. Social Pros Podcast With the tagline, “Real people doing real work in social media,” the Social Pros Podcast features interviews with prominent social media strategists from around the industry. Give a listen to individual episodes, or subscribe to the podcast to glean strategy and tactical insights from some of the most innovative social  media marketers.
Building your brand with social media marketing is an exciting challenge, in part because of how regularly we see advances in the social landscape. While the pace of change can seem intimidating, if you are familiar with the essentials and stay current on best practices, you’ll forever maintain the social component of your hybrid marketer status.
Increase Your Social Media Marketing IQ
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Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  13
Despite periodic pronouncements that email marketing is dead, it remains the most effective channel for customer retention, according to a recent survey of marketers.  A big part of email’s continued relevance can be chalked up to how it is evolving.
Enhanced targeting, automation, mobile consumption, and contextual messaging are among the trends shaping marketers’ use of email. The best practices of today’s hybrid marketer should be in tune with these advancements.
To help you plan, execute, and  optimize email and Sponsored InMail campaigns as part of an effective overall B2B Marketing strategy, we offer up the following ten resources for inbox domination:
Go-To Beginner Resources
We all use email as part of our day-to-day, so there’s a good chance you have at least a basic understanding of how email campaigns work. Even so, these insightful resources can take you from “sort of sure” to savvy.
1. The Definitive Guide to Engaging  Email Marketing Coming in at more than 150 pages, this Marketo resource is comprehensive in its coverage of email marketing principles. Discover chapters that address how to craft relevant emails, coordinate messaging across channels, measure critical metrics, and more. Appendices provide a listing of email marketing experts and reference links.
2. 7 Steps to Writing the Perfect  LinkedIn InMail You’ll never draft a spammy InMail again after checking out this SlideShare deck from author and presenter Dionne Lew. The presentation outlines a step-by-step approach for using InMail to create  personal connections.
7 steps to writing the perfect LinkedIn InMail from Dionne Lew
Mastering Email and InMail
Click to view on SlideShare
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  14
3. The Complete Guide to  Transactional Email Transactional emails are opened at eight times the rate of promotional emails, yet too many marketers neglect to optimize them. In a post on the Vero blog,  Chris Hexton reveals best practices for five types of transactional messages: welcome, notification, confirmation, reminder, and request emails. Learn how providing value in these emails can boost campaign performance.
4. How to Optimize Your Emails for Mobile: A Beginner’s Guide Today, roughly half of all emails are opened on mobile devices. Marketers who cater to mobile users are far more likely to meet objectives. Enlarged fonts, touch-friendly buttons, and streamlined content are among the best practices recommended by Lauren Smith in this HubSpot resource.
Pro-Level Tips and Tricks
Now that you’ve got the basics down, it’s time for insights that will help you improve the bottom line. Dig into these resources for tips on getting the most from your future campaigns.
5. Email Lifecycle Strategies from  the Swipe File Providing email subscribers with a personalized experience is all about understanding where they are in the buying cycle and addressing their specific needs. This SlideShare presentation from ExactTarget Marketing Cloud provides guidance on optimization for each stage of the buyer journey, referencing brand examples that are getting personalization right.
#CNX14 – Email Lifecycle Strategies from the Swipe File from Salesforce Marketing Cloud
Mastering Email and InMail
Click to view on SlideShare
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  15
6. The Complete Guide to Optimizing Email Marketing for Conversions Get next-level tips for growing your email list, increasing engagement, and improving deliverability. This HubSpot resource provides ideas for integrating your email and social media marketing, while offering best practices for segmenting audiences.
7. Email Marketing: Trends, Tools, and Tactics for 2014 and Beyond Based on a presentation by Michael Barber, this SlideShare deck teaches marketers how to produce email marketing campaigns that are human-focused. Discover how to produce personalized messaging that can be consumed across devices, and explore the ways email can foster social engagement and drive buyer action through strong, prescriptive calls  to action.
Email Marketing: Trends, Tools, and Tactics for 2014 and Beyond from Michael Barber
Mastering Email and InMail
Click to view on SlideShare
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  16
Delivering Content  that Converts
You can have a large mailing list and the most sophisticated targeting techniques, but when it comes to email, it’s still the message that ultimately gets the job done. Dive into these resources to learn tips, tricks, and tweaks that can help you create email messages that inspire action.
8. 37 Tips for Writing Emails that Get Opened, Read, and Clicked Good writing can mean the difference between an email finding its target and being marked as “spam.” This illuminating Copyblogger post by Henneke Duistermaat reveals how to write emails that are eagerly anticipated, not trashed. Tips are broken down into categories devoted to helping you increase open rates, engage readers, and sell without alienating audiences.
9. 3 Steps to More Effective LinkedIn Messages & InMail Response  To connect with prospects on LinkedIn via InMail, you must be able to quickly show that you deliver value. Jeff Molander offers a prospect-centric approach to InMail that can help you create messages that get higher open and response rates.
10. 20 Tips for Dramatically  Better Emails  Positioning, voice, value, and conversion optimization are the focus of this Vero resource. Review tips and brand examples to learn how you can create exclusivity, provide social proof, tap into current events, and use other best practices to increase the effectiveness of your email campaigns.
For most brands, email is a critical component of an integrated marketing strategy, helping to drive results in other areas. The resources here can help you plan and execute optimized, integrated campaigns that complement social media and content marketing efforts. The result can be a series of cohesive, contextual touchpoints that compel buyers to turn to your brand when they are ready to buy.
Mastering Email and InMail
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Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  18
A forward-looking hybrid marketer keeps up with emerging content marketing trends. But if you didn’t see the podcast boom coming, you can be forgiven. Podcasting (short for Personal on Demand broadcasting) isn’t a new technology; it started more than a decade ago. Podcasts were briefly the next big thing in the mid-2000s, then fizzled without the infrastructure and equipment needed to make listening easy for audiences.
Fast forward to 2016, and podcasting is finally having its moment. Everyone is hosting their own show for fun and profit, from comedians to filmmakers to marketers. In fact, we recently launched our own podcast series entitled The Sophisticated Marketer’s Podcast, with special guests ranging from Mike Volpe, CMO, Hubspot to John Mescall, Global Executive Creative Director, McCann Worldgroup.
A compelling, professional-sounding podcast can be a great asset for any content marketing plan. Your audience can’t read a blog post or whitepaper while they’re jogging or driving a car (and we sincerely hope they don’t try), but they can listen to your content. And a podcast listener tends to spend far more time with your content than a visitor to your web page.
The following ten resources, from inspiring examples to tools and how-to guides, will help you dive into the world of podcasting.
Get Inspired
One of the best ways you can learn how to make a great podcast is to listen to outstanding examples. These posts feature podcasts worth adding to your subscription list.
1. Treat Your Ears to 19 of the Best Marketing Podcasts Inbound Marketing Agency Nectafy produced this roundup of podcasts from some of the brightest minds in the marketing world. Their list is ordered by number of episodes available, so you can choose whether you want to get in on the ground floor of a new podcast, or dive deep into one with a huge archive.
2. Why Digital Marketing Podcasts Belong in Your  Learning Routine If you’re still on the fence about listening to podcasts, let TopRank’s Ashley Zeckman persuade you. Her article shows where podcasts fit in your daily routine, and includes a list of marketing podcasts to get you started.
Purposefully Connecting with Podcasting
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  19
Build a Business Case
Podcasting is fun – pure and simple. If you are considering your podcast a business asset, though, fun isn’t enough. You will also need to consider what you want the podcast to achieve, and how you will achieve it. These resources can help.
3. Proof that Podcasting Will Benefit Your Business This article from freelancer Louise Julig chronicles the astounding success of Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income podcast, and the very real ways it helped Pat grow his business. Great tactics for you to borrow are woven throughout this story of success.
4. Should Your Marketing Have a Podcast? SHIFT Communications Marketing Technology VP Christopher Penn starts his How to Market Your Podcast series with the titular question, then explores the factors that might make podcasting a good strategy for your business. This introductory post will help you decide whether to proceed, and the rest of the posts in the series will get you started on your way.
Produce Your Podcast
You’ve listened to some examples of great podcasts, and you have made a solid business case for starting your own. These resources get down to the nuts and bolts of actually recording, editing, and producing your podcast.
5. Podcasting 101 Guide: How to Make a Podcast Buzzsprout’s beginner’s guide goes into detail on every aspect of starting a podcast, from big-picture stuff like potential audience share to the optimal distance between your mouth and the microphone.
6. The Definitive Guide to Setting Up and Marketing a Podcast to Help Grow Your Blog Bestselling author and Virtual CEO of the Live2Sell Group Chris Ducker shares the secrets to his podcasting success in this article for ProBlogger. He starts with a solid business rationale for podcasting and segues into detailed tips on setting up, recording, and posting your creation.
7. How to Produce a Podcast Digital marketing titan Jay Baer takes a different tack than the other guides in this section. He shares his strategy for producing a professionally-recorded podcast with multiple remote guests, including a guide to repurposing podcast content for other media.
Purposefully Connecting with Podcasting
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  20
Connect with Your Audience
As with other content marketing channels, it’s not enough to record a podcast, upload it, and wait for your audience to roll in. The following resources address the challenges and opportunities unique to marketing your podcast.
8. 11 Clever Ways to Promote Your Podcast to the World PR Expert Joan Stewart goes beyond the marketing outreach norm with these off-beat strategies. From Amazon to Pinterest, she recommends opportunities for podcast promotion you might have missed.
9. 8 Unique Marketing Strategies to Grow a Podcast to the Top of iTunes Life-Long Learner founder Scott Britton has a podcast with over 5,000 subscribed listeners. See how he built his audience with this article full of tips and strategies.
10. Why Podcast Promotion is the Fastest Way to Build  an Audience This guide to “podcast growth hacking” comes from Buzzsprout Community Manager Darren DeMatas. Learn how to drive traffic to your podcast without a huge marketing budget, and how to analyze the effectiveness of your promotion efforts.
After 10 years of slow growth, podcasts are finally the next big thing. With these resources and your creativity, you can develop a podcast that connects with your audience in a unique and personal way. Podcasting marries the warmth and personality of old-school radio with the cutting edge of digital distribution. It’s the perfect medium for the technological mind and creative soul of today’s hybrid marketer.
Purposefully Connecting with Podcasting
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Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  22
One of the first innovations in marketing technology was the tablet. Not a touchscreen tablet, though—I’m talking the original tablet, a clay slab for scratching down written language. Before that innovation, all marketing was wordof-mouth.
It took a few thousand years for marketing technology to advance from the clay tablet all the way to social media marketing. Now, with technology evolving faster than ever, the 21st century hybrid marketer must be able to adapt quickly. These 10 resources can help you stay on top of marketing tech as it develops.
You can’t tell where you’re going unless you know where you have been. Before you dive into the future of marketing technology, it’s a good idea to first understand the current state. These articles will help you get a feel for what marketing technology looks like  right now.
1. Digital Marketing Trends Smart Insights has a huge library of content (some free, some gated) aimed at helping marketers develop and implement digital marketing plans. This blog post from the company’s CEO, Dave Chaffey, takes an indepth look at marketing technology trends this year, with links to plenty of resources worth exploring.
2. 7 Marketing Technologies Every  Company Must Use This isn’t just a list of seven specific programs marketers should use. Marketing and Advertising guru Louis Gudema goes 
in-depth to explore the seven types of marketing technology available. He first explains each type of technology and why it’s important. Then, he provides resources on utilizing each one. It’s a thoughtful, thorough look at the current state of digital marketing technology.
3. Marketing Technology as Competitive Advantage Marketing Technologist Scott Brinker eats, breathes, and sleeps marketing technology. His exploration of the ways technology, marketing, and strategy intersect leads to an inescapable conclusion: Technology must become part of your marketing strategy’s DNA.
Rouse the Marketing Technologist Within You
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  23
Now that you’re familiar with the current state of marketing tech, let’s look to the future. These resources will give you clear visibility into the up-and-coming digital marketing trends that offer great opportunities for hybrid marketers to innovate.
4. 8 Marketing and Technology Trends Disrupting Businesses Kyle Lacy is the head of Marketing Strategy with OpenView Ventures. As part of the run-up to the Masters of Business Online (MBO 2015) event, he dropped this detailed analysis of how marketing will change in the next twelve months. From the Internet of Things to the power of the Collaborative Economy Model, it’s a fascinating glimpse into the near future.

5. Tech Trends: Dimensional Marketing  We all know the four P’s of marketing. For a hybrid marketer, there are four new interrelated dimensions to marketing: engagement, connectivity, data, and technology. Deloitte’s Mike Brinker, Nelson Kunkel, and Mark Singer explore how the new field of dimensional marketing will continue to develop in the near future with this lengthy academic article loaded with facts and stats.
6. 25 Predictions for What Marketing Will Look Like in 2020 To peer even further into the future, Co.Create’s Jeff Beer consulted a host of great marketing minds. From the CMO of Taco Bell to the scrappy rabble-rousers at Vice Media, these innovators have thoughtprovoking insight on what the future of marketing could hold.
Rouse the Marketing Technologist Within You
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Marketing technology visionaries don’t just read about new technologies, they examine them from a sociological perspective. And by doing so, they aim to create new opportunities for themselves, their audiences, and their marketing peers. These resources involve technologies on the brink of widespread adoption, and the opportunities they present for marketers.
7. Can Augmented Reality Be Used  in Content Marketing? A year or two ago, augmented reality was mostly for toys and games. With the proliferation of powerful smartphones, though, companies are starting to wake up to the potential of AR for marketing. This piece from digital marketing strategist Carl Panteny explores the possibilities.
8. Must-knows for Marketers to Capitalize  on Wearable Tech Like AR, wearables have been around for a while, but are poised to explode in a big way in the next couple of years. They’ve gone from “geek appeal” items like Google Glass, to the mass-coveted Apple Watch. This article from Tenthwave Digital’s Samuel Edwards identifies the unique challenges and opportunities wearables present, as compared to other mobile devices.
9. Experiential Marketing is Becoming  a Virtual Reality It seems like virtual reality (VR) has been “the next big thing” for over twenty years now. It’s always been just around the corner, but that corner kept getting farther away. Now technology has finally caught up to VR’s ambitions. We may see the first massmarket VR rigs as soon as the end of this year. Adludio co-founder Howard Kingston considers the possibilities of VR for marketing in this brief but informative piece.
Rouse the Marketing Technologist Within You
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Tying it All Together
10. Dollars, Bits, and Atoms: Roadmap to the Future of Marketing This information-rich eBook from MediaPlant’s Rob Salkowitz (sponsored by Microsoft) is a mustread for explorers, innovators, and visionaries alike. It covers the existing digital landscape, upcoming trends, and future tech in astonishing detail. Even better, it envisions how all these disparate technologies will integrate into new approaches to digital marketing. The possibilities Salkowitz presents are nothing short of inspiring.
When the clay tablet hit the marketing world all those centuries ago, it revolutionized marketers’ ability to communicate with buyers. Today, technology continues to expand the ways in which we can tell our brands’ stories, including bringing consumers and their stories into the conversation. As marketing content grows more instant and personal, the tech-savvy marketer will use emerging technology to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time. That’s hybrid marketing at its finest.
Rouse the Marketing Technologist Within You
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Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  27
While it’s still important for marketers to have expertise in specific areas, I’ve found that, today, being a onedimensional marketer is not conducive to getting ahead in the B2B world.
When it comes to SEO, marketers don’t need to gain an intimate understanding of search engine algorithms. Rather, marketers simply need to have a basic understanding of how SEO impacts the “findability”  of content.
The following ten resources will get you there,  and then some.
For Beginners
Building a sound foundation of SEO knowledge is your first step. Check out these three resources to get up to speed on the basics.
1. The Beginners Guide to SEO A classic resource from Moz with best practices you can put to immediate use in your content marketing.
2. Periodic Table of SEO Success Factors This SlideShare presentation from Search Engine Land explains how content quality, keyword use, site architecture, and other factors influence search engine results pages (SERPs).
3. An Introductory Guide to PPC  This HubSpot eBook outlines the potential benefits of paid search and how campaigns work.
Being what I call a “hybrid marketer” means understanding how skills such as SEO, content, social media savvy, and other skills impact our ability to move the needle for ourselves and the organizations we work for.
Acquiring SEO Smarts
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  28
Taking it to the Next Level: Tips and Tools  from the Experts
These next four search resources are chock-full of insights you can use to optimize content.
4. SEO for 2015: How Search Has Changed and How Marketers’ Tactics Must Shift Moz CEO & Founder Rand Fishkin’s SlideShare. Subscribe to Rand’s Whiteboard Friday series.
5. Learning SEO from the Experts from HubSpot CTO Dharmesh Shahv
6. 21 Simple and Free SEO Tools to Instantly Improve Your Marketing from Buffer Content Crafter Kevan Lee
7. 37 Awesome Tools to Get the Most from Your SEO Campaigns from Search Engine Land
Becoming Your Organization’s Resident SEO Expert
Get there with the help of these final three advanced SEO resources.
8. The Advanced Guide to SEO An infographic-style presentation from Neil Patel and Sujan Patel that takes a deep dive into indexation, accessibility, site performance, and advanced data research.
9. Search Engine Journal  YouTube Channel Hundreds of archived videos cover SEO strategy, local search, and much more.
10. 58 Resources to Help You Learn and Master SEO This KISSmetrics post provides industryspecific SEO best practices, and a list of bookmark-worthy blogs on content marketing.
Improving your SEO is a great way to make sure your hard work gets noticed by the right people. Rounding out your knowledge doesn’t need to be hard; just nailing the basics can do wonders for your brand’s visibility. Use insights, practices, and tools from these resources and you’ll be well on your way to earning your “SEO savvy” label.
Acquiring SEO Smarts
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Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  30
Marketers’ responsibilities have changed dramatically in the digital era, and technology skills are increasingly required to work in the industry. One survey shows that more than half of next year’s digital marketing hires will have a technical background.
Web development is among the areas today’s hybrid marketer is expected to be familiar with. You may not need advanced coding skills to be successful in your role, but a basic understanding of computer languages and programming can increase your value in the workplace. Perhaps even better, becoming knowledgeable in this area can help you to create some jaw-dropping content.
Whatever level of coding skill you’re hoping to achieve, here are 10 resources that can bring your content marketing skillset up to speed in the digital age.
Getting Started with  the Basics
Coding can seem intimidating to beginners, but it doesn’t have to be. For user-friendly resources that provide ground-level web development lessons, check out these sites.
1. W3Schools Online Web Tutorials Lots of folks head to W3Schools to get started with coding. This site’s beginner tutorials on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other common languages are ideal for novices. Straightforward, accessible lessons and experiential learning opportunities make it possible to progressively build  your knowledge.
2. Codecademy This site has helped more than 24 million people learn coding with structured classes in seven programming languages. Tutorials and exercises feature motivators to keep you on track, including badges and scoring. You can even compare your performance against others who are learning to code.
3. Khan Academy The Khan Academy is widely known for innovative virtual learning. Dig into the site’s coding exercises for easy-to-digest lessons that can help you build core programming skills, then expand your knowledge beyond the basics. Gamification adds some fun  and serves as motivation to keep you moving forward.
4. Code Conquest Designed for beginners, CodeConquest covers coding basics and offers tutorials for languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. Check out the Knowledge Center for projects, coding tools, and instructions for building websites.
Honing Your Coding Chops
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Taking Web Development Skills to the Next Level
Many people who start coding get hooked and never slow down. If you want to go beyond the basics of web development, these tools can power your learning.
5. Mozilla Developer Network Discover tutorials and learning resources that challenge you as you increase your understanding. While there are beginnerlevel lessons available here, intermediate and advanced tutorials can allow you to explore advanced coding topics for languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
6. MIT OpenCourseWare If you’re thinking about taking college-level courses on coding, a class through MIT Open Courseware may be the right path. Video lectures, online textbooks, and regular assignments are all part of the experience. The best part: You can complete these self-paced classes on your own timeline.
7. Academic Earth Academic Earth curates computer science video lectures and classes from leading universities around the country. Explore dozens of offerings that not only address coding, but foundational computer science concepts that can give you a big-picture view of programming.
Honing Your Coding Chops
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Put Your Skills to Use  with Projects
There’s no better way to develop coding skills than by putting them into practice. Coders of all abilities can find opportunities to improve by participating in online projects. Some helpful sites include:
8. A collaborative global project of Apple, Google, Microsoft, and other tech heavyweights, this site features information on a wide range of web development topics. You can make meaningful contributions of your own by volunteering on education and programming initiatives.
9. TheCodePlayer Learn how to complete sample coding projects, line by line. Then, give them a go on your own. Creating brand logos, producing hover effects, and making gauge charts are just a few of the exercises you can choose from.
10. Mozilla Community As previously mentioned, volunteering on collaborative web development projects is a fantastic, purposeful way to firm up your coding chops. Mozilla has opportunities to join global teams working in support of education, social justice, and other causes.
Understanding the technical details of coding allows marketers to take greater control of digital content, often leading to a closer match between vision and output. Additionally, you’ll work more efficiently with developers, designers, and others on your tech team. Being savvy on the technical side can also make you an invaluable go-to resource internally, enhancing your professional standing and marketability. That’s the hybrid marketer in action.
Honing Your Coding Chops
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If you haven’t been honing your analytics skills, now is the time to start. Even the MLB is taking analytical data to the next level. With baseball season coming in hot, an unnamed franchise actually bought a super-computer that can crunch information crazy fast, because it wants to gather more data insights than humans conceivably can from  a spreadsheet.
In a B2B market obsessed with metrics and statistics, for good reason, learning how to turn that information into meaning is crucial, otherwise you just have an over-abundance of numbers. What exactly do those numbers represent? How should they affect your strategy? The following 10 resources will give you the insight you need to start answering those questions like the hybrid marketer you are.
Analytics Guides
1. How to Use Google Analytics:  Getting Started  Even for seasoned Google Analytics veterans, this Social Media Examiner article is a must-read. Author Kristi Hines uses clear guidance and graphics to help you take your analytics skills to the next level. If you’ve already developed a relationship with Google Analytics, it will point out areas you might be neglecting.
2. The Definitive Guide to Marketing Metrics & Analytics This all-encompassing guide from Marketo is a must-have for any 21st century marketer. Learn how to gather and leverage metrics, talk about forecasting, and prove your team’s marketing ROI. All 70 pages of this downloadable research are packed with expert marketing plays.
Analytics Blogs
3. Occam’s Razor Blog Meet the go-to expert on marketing analytics: Avinash Kaushik. His Occam’s Razor blog gives countless insights and fresh takes on a topic that seems to require constant skill and knowledge updates. Notable is his ability to take a complicated, often technical concept and talk about it in a way that is streamlined and accessible.
4. The KISSmetrics Blog This is a remarkable resource for viewing analytics case studies. Learn about data science from the countless examples the blog offers, and read articles featuring relevant best practices and tips for honing your metrics gathering skills.
Up Your B2B Analytics Game
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Analytics Courses
5. Google Analytics Academy Who better to learn analytics from than the source that seems to define them? Google Analytics Academy offers courses online that can help you gain the skills you need to hit analytical home runs for free.
6. General Assembly Data Analysis Classes Just what they sound like, these classes will help you hone your skills in data science. From an introduction to data analytics to a class in advanced data-driven SEO, and from online courses to on-campus workshops, there is something here  for everyone.
Analytics Articles
7. How to Use LinkedIn Analytics to Boost Your Marketing Efforts In this edited excerpt of Ted Prodromou’s book, “Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business,“ he gives readers an overview of the tools available to marketers on the LinkedIn platform. Find out even more about the Analytics Tab on LinkedIn Company Pages here.
8. Are You Using Big Data and Analytics to Speak to an Audience of ONE? In this article, founder & CEO of Marketing Nutz, Pam Moore, does an excellent job of showcasing the importance of thinking small, even when you’re using big data. Using data to reach individuals, instead of to create blanket marketing statements that few will find personally relevant, is the key to using those metrics successfully.
9. 5 Ways to Use Location Data for Better Social Listening Are you too dependent on hashtags and keywords when it comes to listening to your audience? Get ahead of the curve with this fresh take on using social data. J. Talyor suggests that location is an underutilized tool in social marketing, and offers five ways to ensure you don’t miss engagement opportunities by forgetting to pay attention to where your audience is.
Up Your B2B Analytics Game
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Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  37
It’s easy to focus on leads at the bottom of the sales funnel. After all, these are the people who have an existing pain point and are actively interested in pursuing a solution. Since these leads are most likely to convert in the short term, they’re a high priority for sales, which tends to make them a high priority for marketing.
A savvy hybrid marketer, though, knows that nurturing leads at all stages of the funnel produces better results over time. As buyers continue to advance further into the decision-making process before engaging with potential vendors, inbound marketing efforts fueled by content continue to distance the effectiveness gap compared to later-stage outbound tactics. In fact, research has shown that full-funnel lead nurturing generates 50% more sales-ready leads at 33% of the cost.
To help you add lead-nurturing proficiency to your skillset, we’ve rounded up a selection of knowledge hubs, articles, and long-form guides for marketers at all stages of full-funnel marketing adoption. Whether you’re just learning the basics, looking to improve existing strategies, or you’re ready to do a deep dive into advanced tactics, you will find these resources both enlightening and actionable.
The Basics
If you’re still working on defining terms and figuring out which leads are at which stage, these resources provide a good introduction to nurturing leads at every stage of the funnel.
1. Lead Nurturing Cheat Sheet  The good folks at Marketo know their digital marketing strategies. This two-page PDF is a great intro to lead nurturing. It’s a brief but thorough guide, useful enough to print out and hang on the wall as a reference.
2. The Authority Guide to Lead Nurturing The team at Beachhead Marketing put together this primer, which turns the typical sales funnel upside-down to better explain the lead  nurturing process.
3. HubSpot Academy: Lead Nurturing HubSpot Academy offers a full course on lead nurturing, over the course of three one-hour presentations. Their guide covers all aspects of lead nurturing for beginners, from understanding the buying process through analyzing the success of a lead nurturing campaign.
Master Full Funnel Marketing
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  38
Once you have mastered the basics of fullfunnel marketing, the fun begins. Now you can start to analyze what works and what doesn’t to get the most out of your leadnurturing efforts. These four resources can help take your efforts to the next level.
4. How to Expand Your Lead Nurturing Strategy Beyond Just Email HubSpot encourages marketers to “think outside of the inbox” to fully optimize their lead-nurturing strategies. This SlideShare outlines the steps you can take to create a robust multi-channel campaign across email, social media, and the web.
5. 5 Steps to Optimize Your Lead Nurturing Process: The Right Content to the Right Audience This hour-long recorded webinar features insights from Kissmetrics CEO Brian Kelly and Curata CEO Pawan Deshpande. You’re sure to get plenty of valuable advice from these two giants in the marketing automation field.
6. Designing a Winning Lead Nurturing Strategy: Lessons from the Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing Marketo’s Director of Product Marketing Michael Berger and Enterprise Field Marketing Manager Phillip Chen present this webinar from Marketo’s Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing series. Watch it for a detailed explanation on how to  create and execute a full-funnel lead nurturing campaign.
7. Building Brand Preference with  Lead Nurturing This quick read from Oracle Marketing Cloud shares how you can build a strong brand and solution preference with your prospects long before they’re actively engaged in a buying process. It also outlines three main goals you should  keep in mind as you launch your lead nurturing program.
Master Full Funnel Marketing
Design a Winning  Lead Nurturing Strategy from Marketo
Click to view on YouTube
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  39
By now, you’ve enjoyed some success with your own full-funnel campaigns. You’ve mastered the art of the drip; you have integrated your campaign across multiple channels; your supplemental contact is on point. These resources can provide the little extra dose of strategy you need to truly be a lead  nurturing expert.
8. Advanced Lead  Nurturing Segmentation For a deep dive into segmentation, we turn once again to the sages at Marketo. This eBook covers behavioral segmentation, specialized campaigns, late-stage campaigns, and campaigns across the entire lifecycle of a lead. They even include worksheets at the back to help you begin planning your  segmented campaigns.
9. 7 Advanced Lead Nurturing Tips This SlideShare from Marketing Automation Evangelist Matthew Sweezey has plenty of tips for optimizing your lead nurturing strategies. Even better, he has a section on the best ways to measure the effectiveness of a campaign.
10. Best Practices in Segmentation Act-On Software presents this whitepaper on segmentation strategies for better targeted lead nurturing, including dynamic segmentation and creating dynamic content.
The full-funnel approach to lead nurturing enables marketing and sales to shorten sales cycles and engage more qualified leads at a lower cost. With these resources, you’ll be better equipped to guide the right buyers to the right content at the right time. It’s a great example of the combination of technology and content that keeps hybrid marketers in  high demand.
Master Full Funnel Marketing
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Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  41
Marketing has changed more in the past five years than it did in the previous 50. Modern marketers have a massive amount of data at their fingertips, and a dazzling array of tools to execute a data-informed content strategy. It’s the era of the hybrid marketer, a professional with a diverse skillset that includes everything from content marketing to automating drip campaigns.
Because of its direct connection to revenue, lead generation is a highly sought after skillset that, once learned, immediately makes you more valuable. The following ten resources will get you up to speed on the latest lead generation tools, tips,  and techniques.
Build the Basics
If you’re new to lead generation in digital marketing, or just looking for a refresher on the basics, these resources are a good place to start. You’ll get a solid understanding of how to begin, how to succeed, and best practices  to follow.
1. An Introduction to Lead Generation HubSpot knows marketing inside and out. This eBook provides a comprehensive overview of what lead generation is, how it’s done, and how to get started.
2. Lead Generation Best Practices This SlideShare comes from IT Management Cloud Company Kaseya. It covers online lead generation in all of its forms, including advice on how to use and repurpose content to optimize lead gen.
3. The Four L’s of a Successful Lead Generation Strategy Build on your best practices with HubSpot’s breakdown of lead generation’s four elements: lead capture, lead magnets, landing page conversion techniques, and lead scoring.
4. The Do’s and Don’ts of Effective  Lead Generation Now that you know what to do, it’s also a good idea to learn what not to do. The marketing gurus at Marketo give an in-depth look at mistakes to avoid as you build your lead generation campaigns.
Lead Generation Best Practices | Kaseya Partner Program VAR Onboarding Tool from David Castro
Click to view on SlideShare
Give Rise to Revenue with Lead Generation
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  42
Branch Out
Once you have a good grasp of the fundamentals, these resources will help you get more creative with lead generation. Learn how to take it to the next level, try new strategies, and optimize your LinkedIn marketing approach.
5. How to Bring Your Lead Generation to the Next Level Using Simple Tools This SlideShare from the Marketizator Webinar #CROday 2015 provides a recipe for optimizing your lead generation efforts, including optimizing landing pages and using smart forms for  lead capture.
6. Inbound Marketing Hack: Long Tail SEO Lead Gen The clever critters at Savvy Panda present this advanced  technique for lead generation using content created around  strategic keywords.
7. 13 Creative Ways to Use LinkedIn for Lead Generation This post from SmallBizTrends rounds up insights from members of the Young Entrepreneurs Council on getting the most out of LinkedIn’s lead generation capabilities.
How to Bring Your Lead Generation to the Next Level Using Simple Tools from Marketizator from Marketizator
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Give Rise to Revenue with Lead Generation
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  43
Be the Best
These advanced materials can help you advance all the way to lead generation expert. Discover overlooked tactics and get graduate-level advice with these three resources.
8. 11 Lead Generation Tactics That You’re Likely Neglecting Make sure there aren’t any holes in your lead generation strategy with this post from ProofHQ’s Marketing Manager blog. The tips range from big (offering online courses) to small and simple (using your email signature).
9. Advanced Tactics for Content Marketing and Lead Generation  with Nathan Yerian In this hour-long episode of the BrightIdeas podcast, Adhere Creative’s Director of Strategy Nathan Yerian gives real-world examples of how he uses advanced lead generation tactics to grow his business.
10. How to Run a Blog Lead  Generation Analysis HubSpot hits the mark again with this detailed post on creating a lead generation report from your blog. Find out how to calculate the impact of each individual post on your blog, rather than just the site as a whole.
The digital age has created a wealth of new opportunities for demand generation marketers. A mastery of modern tools and tactics can bring in higher-quality leads with less time and effort. With a strong understanding of lead generation, you will be well on your way to becoming a hybrid marketing superstar.
Give Rise to Revenue with Lead Generation
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Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  45
Of all the cool things a hybrid marketer gets to do, conversion rate optimization (CRO) just might be the coolest. It combines creativity, behavioral science, and endless customization possibilities which directly impact how successful your B2B marketing efforts can be.
CRO is all about improving your connection with customers, one small change at a time, by working to synchronize their intent with your content. The end results of CRO done right are happier customers and a healthier bottom line.  
How much of a difference can CRO make? In one standout case, changing a single button on a form led to $300 million in additional revenue.
So awaken your inner (or outer) science nerd and dive into these resources. We’ll start with background and orientation before digging into some tried and true CRO tactics.
Get the Most from Your Website Traffic with CRO
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  46
Get Started
There are, roughly speaking, a metric ton of introductions to conversion rate optimization. The four guides below each provide a solid background of what CRO is and why it’s important, but each has a different enough take on the subject to make them all  worth reading.
1. The Ultimate Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization Rich Page is a professional website optimization expert whose clients include Fortune 500 companies and small businesses alike. This guide is a brief overview of what CRO is and how to get started.
2. The Definitive Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization Dive a little deeper into CRO strategies with this 30,000 word guide from two web data experts:
Crazy Egg & KISSmetrics founder Neil Patel and iSpionage Director of Marketing Joe Putnam.
3. The Beginner’s Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization If you devoured the Definitive Guide and are still hungry for more, this intense 12-chapter guide from Qualaroo goes into even more detail on CRO techniques. It’s chock-full of stats, quotes,  and takeaways.
4. An Introduction to Conversion Rate Optimization, Landing Pages, and A/B Testing The first slide in this SlideShare from Unbounce Director of Marketing Georgiana Laudi reads, “Conversion Rate Optimization: Because It’s Effing Awesome.” Georgiana’s sense of humor and visual flair make the serious knowledge she’s supplying easy to absorb.
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Get the Most from Your Website Traffic with CRO
Conversion Rate Optimization Because it’s Effing Awesome from Georgiana Laudi
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  47
Get Tactical
Now that you have a solid CRO foundation, you can start building your own tactical toolkit. There are hundreds of possible CRO tactics. Some of them will be perfect for your organization; some of them might not fit your needs. We’ve tried to give you as wide a sample as possible, so you can choose which tactics make the most sense given your goals.
5. Split-Testing 101: A Quick-start Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization Make sure to warm up your scroll-wheel finger before you get into this article from Conversion Rate Experts. A friendly tone and plenty of visual aids keep this collection of 108 CRO tactics compelling all the way to the end.
6. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Techniques: The Complete List founder Brian Dean presents another massive list of CRO tactics. This one has something extra, though: the ability to filter the list by what you’d like to optimize and the elements you want to test.
7. 47 Conversion Optimization Tips  Josh Patrice, Director of Online Marketing at Rhapsody International, digs into the psychology of customer behavior in this informative and amusing SlideShare.
8. Conversion Optimization: An In-depth Guide to Forms If you’re feeling a little daunted after learning about hundreds of tactics, relax a little with this deeper look into how to optimize a single web page element. Whole Design Studios Director Giles Thomas provides tips on optimizing every conceivable aspect of web forms.
9. Which Test Won? This site is worth bookmarking for a weekly visit. It’s an ongoing object lesson in A/B testing. Each week presents a real-life A/B test and lets you guess which option was more effective. After you cast your vote, you will see a detailed case study that examines  the results.
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Get the Most from Your Website Traffic with CRO
47 Converstion Rate  Optimization Tips from Josh Patrice
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  48
Go Your Own Way
One of the cool aspects of CRO is that what works best varies wildly from company to company. What worked great for one organization might flop for another. So it’s really about finding the combination of tactics that works best for you.
10. Why You Should Question Conversion Rate Optimization Best Practices If you search “CRO best practices,” you will get millions of results. KISSMetrics’ Neil Patel suggests taking all of that advice with a grain of salt (including his own Definitive Guide linked above). He presents case studies that show the dangers of blindly following CRO best practices, along with practical tips for creating your organization’s own unique set of best practices.
Conversion rate optimization is equal parts creativity, intuition, and science. It offers opportunities for endless customization and continual improvement, all aimed squarely at boosting your organization’s success. Now that you are armed with an arsenal of CRO tactics, you’re ready to start developing your own approach to CRO.  So roll up your sleeves and start testing, hybrid marketer, and we hope you find your own $300 million button.
Get the Most from Your Website Traffic with CRO
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  49
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  50
To some marketers, pay per click seems like the marketing equivalent of Baccarat. If you are not familiar with Baccarat, it’s a complicated game that requires elaborate strategizing and constant monitoring. Carelessness can cause you to burn through your budget with little to show for it, which is why many avoid it. If you have a solid B2B marketing strategy and SEO plan, you may wonder if you need PPC at all.
According to Google, though, every dollar spent on AdWords results in two dollars of revenue, which is a far better return on investment than you’ll find in the Baccarat room at the casino. Once you understand the basics of PPC, the gambling comparisons stop and it’s easy to see how this skillset fits into the hybrid marketer’s toolkit. It may not be the right tool for every situation, but it can be a powerful way to reach your target audience and give your business momentum.
The following resources provide an overview of how to implement a PPC campaign, strategies for optimizing campaigns, and advanced tactics to get the most out of your PPC budget.
If you are just getting started with PPC, these articles detail the nuts and bolts of creating and implementing a campaign. Read them to establish a firm, practical foundation you can expand on with experience.
1. Pay Per Click Management Explained: How PPC Fits into Your Internet Marketing Strategy The PPC experts at Portent, Inc. provide a solid overview of best practices, starting with the pros and cons of PPC and the situations in which it’s the most effective tool to use. They also expand on preparing a PPC budget and calculating what you should bid  for keywords.
2. PPC 101 Before you commit your ad budget on your first PPC campaign, review these tactics from Search Engine Watch to make sure you’ve covered all your bases for optimizing your click-through  rate (CTR).
3. 5 PPC Account  Optimization Tactics Before you commit your ad budget on your first PPC campaign, review these tactics from Search Engine Watch to make sure you’ve covered all your bases for optimizing your click-through  rate (CTR).
Extend Your Reach with Pay Per Click
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  51
Now that you know your CTR from your CPC, these resources can help you further refine your PPC campaigns with CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization).
4. 50 Strategies to Enhance ClickThrough Rate Via PPC Advertising These tactics from Que Commerce CEO and Founder Justin Croxton can help set up your campaigns for success from the get go. Croxton uncovers optimization potential at every stage of the process, from precampaign planning to post-launch testing and refining.
5. Powerful PPC Tactics That Get  You Leads  Surefire Social Founder and CEO Chris Marentis takes the road less traveled to PPC optimization in this SlideShare, focusing on tips and strategies that are often overlooked.
6. The Top 10 Best PPC Hacks…Ever! Wordstream founder Larry Kim just might live up to this piece’s superlative title with these 10 AdWords strategies. Find out how to improve your Quality Score, use bid multipliers to optimize your budget, and more.
7. 7 Awesomely Advanced Ways to Get More from Your PPC Campaigns You won’t find strategies for improving your CPC or CTR in this white paper from WSI. It’s more ambitious than that; WSI shows how to use a PPC campaign to inform and improve on all of your marketing efforts acrossthe-board.
Powerful PPC Tactics That Get You Leads from Chris Marentis
Extend Your Reach with Pay Per Click
Click to view on SlideShare
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  52
Once you have run a few campaigns and mastered some general optimization strategies, you can take it to the next level with these resources. These articles focus on specific aspects of PPC campaigns for in-depth strategizing.
8. 5 Advanced Keyword Analysis Tips for Your PPC Strategy Good keywords are the backbone of a successful PPC campaign. Shane Barker, VP of Digital Marketing at Kamere, details the tools and tips you need to pick the most effective keywords for your campaign.

9. The Essential In-Depth Overview of PPC Bid Management  Frederick Vallaeys was one of the first 500 employees at Google and spent five years as their AdWords Evangelist. He’s currently the CEO of Optmyzr, and brings his AdWords knowledge to this deep dive  into the intricacies of managing your keyword bids.
10. 13 Expert Tips for Mobile PPC Mobile isn’t the next big thing anymore; it’s the current big thing. Maximize your mobile PPC campaign with these tips from gyro’s Search Supervisor Melissa Mackey.
Extend Your Reach with Pay Per Click
So there you have it, the best resources from across the web for expanding your marketing skills and becoming a true hybrid marketer. While this may seem like a lot to take in, pick out a few chapters at a time to dive into and save the others for later. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is the marketer who understands many disciplines necessary to achieve a full integrated marketing strategy.
Never stop learning.
The LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Content Team
— Jason, Sean, and Alex
Becoming a Hybrid Marketer  53
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